Disclaimer: All posts that are to be made in the chatroom are to be opinions only. no posts are to be taken as advice, unless the poster is a licensed advisor.


Download the "chat client" HERE


Once downloaded,  double click the vdclientinstall.exe file to install.

Once installed, you should see a Voodoo chat icon on your desktop, double click it.

You will then see a login box, click "new user" and register a nickname.

If the "new user" button doesnt work, use this link --> http://www.voodoochat.com/register.php

You will receive an email to confirm your registration, be sure to click the link in the email.

Then go back to the login box, enter your username and password, but you'll need to email me and i'll tell you what to put in the "server" area..  we no longer use the default server (chat.voodoochat.com:7777)

Once you have logged in, click up the top of the screen where it says "Room" Then  click on "Room Picker"

In that window you will see a room named "BARTRADE" click on that, then click on "Visit"

Email Me to be put on the list to receive the password (it's free). This is the password to the Chatroom, not your login ID.


MDS members can send me a message via the analysers  Instant Messenger to recieve the password. My IM is: 406901

The chatroom automatically closes each day/night when the last person leaves, but will be reopened the next morning @ around 9am.

I ask all new users to please bookmark this link --> www.bartrade.biz/tips.htm and have a read of the tips on how to setup the program to be the most user friendly. Its not much to read, and it will save a lot of questions when you begin using the chatroom. 

See you there !

Here's what it looks like by default